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Tickets & opening hours

Opening hours

Tuesday and Wednesday: 2 pm - 7 pm
Thursday: 2 pm - 8 pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and festivities: 10 am - 7 pm
Closed on Mondays

Saturday 18 May 2024 on the occasion of the Notte Europea dei Musei and Giornata Internazionale dei Musei open all day from 10 am to midnight with admission for € 1 from 8 pm to midnight.

The temperature within the exhibition areas varies between 18° and 21° for the conservation of the artworks.


In order to avoid queues and long waits, we strongly recommend that you buy your ticket online.

Permanent collections tickets

Permanent collections tickets
full € 6,00
reduced € 4,00

Tickets temporary exhibitions 
full € 6,00
reduced € 4,00

Reduced ticket € 4,00
- visitors aged > 65 years old
- groups of at least 10 
- visitors aged > 18 and ≤ 25 years old (€ 2,00)
- second ticket in case of entry, in the same museum and on the same day, to permanent collections and exhibitions
- Family Card
- youngERcard supplied by Comune di Bologna
- partner organizations and associations (FAI members; "Riparti con Coin" card holders; "Carta Insieme" Conad Nord Ovest holders; members, subscribers, friends, and supporters of Bologna Festival; Treccani Card holders - PerTe Pam Panorama Card holders - reduction valid for permanent collections and temporary exhibitions organized directly by Settore Musei Civici Bologna, upon presentation of a valid membership card or other document certifying the right to a reduction)

Free admission
- Card Cultura (only Permanent Collections)
- visitors aged ≤ 18 years old
- university students (with university ID card)
- high school students
- 2 teachers per school group
- 1 accompanying person per group over 10 people
- 1 adult accompaning a minor who takes part in workshops carried out by the museum
- pre-school and nursery school teachers, educators, collaborators and pedagogists of the Municipality of Bologna
- participants in extraordinary cultural mediation itineraries as a visit
- journalists (with ID)
- tourist guides (with ID)
- persons with disabilities and EU Disability Card holders and their helper
- AMACI card
- ICOM card
- subjects listed in art. 4 comma 3 letters a, b, d, e, f, g, h, i - Decree n. 507 12/11/1997
and subsequent amendments (including students and teachers of the Conservatory and other equivalent institutions listed under letter h)
Bologna Welcome Card holders (for permanent collections). Bologna Welcome Card is the tourist card that allows you to discover the best of the city. Two versions are available: Bologna Welcome Card EASY (€ 25) and Bologna Welcome Card PLUS (€ 40). The card is nominal and is valid for 1 person only. From 1 August 2021 the Bologna Welcome Cards EASY and PLUS have a duration of 15 days from the date of activation. Finally, we remind you that there is only one use of each service included, the card will remain valid until the services are exhausted, and in any case no later than 15 days from the date of activation. The card can be purchased online or at tourist information and reception points.


Guide dogs are allowed.

Ph. + 39 051 6496611
Fax +39 051 6496637